Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2cor. 11.14......how so???

...mormons are perhaps the nicest of satan's servants, but this is the very trick of both the 2 cor. passage and the gethsemane kiss. both reveal the basic trick of a lure..col.2.8...that it appears to be good on exterior or at face value, but requires some critical thought, some knowledge of god, and it is exposed as the obvious deceit that it is. so it is with mormonism.

yet get it right, i loves me some mormons, but as i must if i love god, i do hate evil, and there for, albeit i love the people, i do hate mormonism. it is indeed of hell and satan. joe smith does stew in his lie, and has as i write this. and this is of god's holyspirit within me, and not in those who receive joe smith and mormonism.

it is as 2cor. 11....a different gospel. a different jesus. and a different spirit. it is the spirit of satan.

and though they appear to many as of god of heaven or supposed to be christians, it is a lie. and it is achieved by the very means revealed in 2cor.11. those means being to appear as servants of uprightness by adorning a venier of obvious overt good works. just a freemason do put on, but it is at its highest levels just as albert pike did attest, it is luciferian, it is satanic. now mormons do not know that they serve satan, i suppose, but are deluded to believe they serve christ, though the bible..rev. 22.18...do not add to that book, which book of mormon does, or be cursed, and so they are cursed. and again in 1cor.16....for by disobedience they, by jn14.23..prove they dio not love christ. for they sin willfully and repent not. so mormons appear to the uneducated as good...none good but god...good and of christ cuz of their good works. this is what the servants of satan will do to kill, steal and destroy in the end.

mormonism is riddled with freemason/paganism. what indeed of their secret rituals of their temples? perhaps they, if exposed to public would appear benign and silly as many pagan religions do so appear, but their purpose and value is in the spiritual, in their service to the evil,they are a contract and a pledge. romney, huntsman, reid and those many others are but witch doctors. but cuz they be white and in a suit and tie, they are not as the blk.savage around the bonfire. but in fact they serve the same master...satan.

i pray mormon would repent of this evil they falsely believe is of god of heaven. how is it people, save by delusion be made incapable of counting to two? what is it i reference??? well in book of mormon it states that jesus came to america from the throne of heaven 3 times to america. if he did then, in hb. 9.28 when it says that he will come a second time...2nd time, then when he returns in rev. 19. this would be a forth time. so the bible is wrong and a lie and/or book of joe smith and satan are correct?? no, it is just as he went. and zac.14...he will set his feet on mount of olives. there is no new revelation except the old lie, this is what mormonism is....satan in a new mask, a new gown. and mormons fail an open book test of kindergarden state and status.

mormonism is of satan!!!